

Freedom is life.

Notion+XLog Double Insurance for Your Blog

L> Personally, I always wanted to have my own blog, hoping that the data can be saved at my own address. I think Notion + XLog should be enough.

1. About deploying your own blog based on Notion#

Notion is an application that integrates various capabilities such as notes, knowledge base, data tables, kanban boards, calendars, etc. It supports individual users to use it separately, and can also collaborate with others across platforms.

1. How to deploy your own Notion site

Fork the Nobelium project directly from https://github.com/craigary/nobelium

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2. Copy the Notion template

this Notion template https://craigary.notion.site/866916e3b939468b9b6f1d47dce99f9c?v=73fd891cab654e35b44893608a23760e
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3. Modify your blog.config.js

Mainly personal information, background color, etc.

4. Deploy to Vercel (free)

Free deployment, customizable domain vercel.com
Register an account, link to your Github, and import the Forked project

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5. Set Notion-pageid and add it to the environment variables of Vercel


Value: The above page ID
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6. Just click deploy to deploy, and after the deployment is complete, you can customize your own domain
7. To update articles, just write your own notes in Notion, referring to the template

My access address: https://blog.braveguozhi.com/
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Note: Because all the data is in my own notes, it can be considered as a backup.

2. XLog One-Click Activation#

1. Create and link your own wallet, and then set up the information, that's it!
All the data is connected, and it can be fully hosted. Combined with your own Notion, it can be a perfect match.
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Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.